
急:中翻譯英,請不要用Translation Machine


急:中翻譯英,請不要用Translation Machine請翻譯以下句子,謝謝!i-Learner世界閱讀日網上投票港生熱情參與 閱讀興趣廣泛 雖然<<哈利波特>>系列已經正式完結,但是它仍是中、小學生的至愛。根據本港一個大型網上英文學習網站的選舉,<<哈>>的作者羅琳(JK Rowling)以大熱門姿態當選最受學生歡迎的英文書作者;而十大最愛英文圖書中,<<聖誕頌>>則獨佔鰲頭。... 顯示更多 急:中翻譯英,請不要用Translation Machine 請翻譯以下句子,謝謝! i-Learner世界閱讀日網上投票 港生熱情參與 閱讀興趣廣泛 雖然<<哈利波特>>系列已經正式完結,但是它仍是中、小學生的至愛。根據本港一個大型網上英文學習網站的選舉,<<哈>>的作者羅琳(JK Rowling)以大熱門姿態當選最受學生歡迎的英文書作者;而十大最愛英文圖書中,<<聖誕頌>>則獨佔鰲頭。 今年四月廿三日是聯合國的世界閱讀日,本港有近12萬名學生使用的英文學習平台「i-Learner智好學計劃」邀請其超過200間港澳的學校用戶,在網上投票選出心目中最佳的英文作者及最愛英文書。 投票由4月17日開始,截至四月廿七日,<<哈>>的作者羅琳已獲得537票,而第二位的<<朱古力掌門人>>的作者羅爾德·達爾則有230票,緊隨其後的是<<雙城記>>作者查理斯狄更斯,有214票。 至於在最愛英文書中,<<聖誕頌>>位居榜首,得351票。而第二位是獲得335票<<哈利波特-神秘的魔法石>>; 至於<<哈>>其他作品,因為票源被分薄,則緊隨<<聖誕頌>>之後。如果將<<哈>>系列的票數全部加起來,總數高達722票,佔總票數的11%。說<<哈>>系列帶動港澳學生的英文閱讀風潮,可謂亳無過譽。 熱愛讀經典文學作品的學生亦為數不少,<<灰姑娘>> (Cinderella)走勢強勁,現得146票 。另外兩本名著<<動物農莊>>(Animal Farm) 和<<愛麗絲夢遊仙境>> (Alice's Adventures in the Wonderland)暫時獲得103票和97票。 i-Learner世界閱讀日網上投票目前仍在進行。詳細結果,將在四月三十日在 網站公佈。


Although the series of Harry Potter has eventually ended, they are still the favourite among secondary and primary students. According to a poll held by a large English Web-based Learning Website, the writer of Harry Potter, JK Rowling, got the top-rated english writer award. As for the best 10 english books, Christmas Carol stands as champion alone. This year's World Book & Copyright Day which is on 23rd April, Reading i-Learner , one of the most popular online platform for about 120 thousand students to learn english, invited more than 200 schools clients from both Hong Kong and Macau to vote for the best english writer and best book that they favour. The election started on 17th April, and will end on 27th April. The writer of Harry Potter, JK Rowling had gotten 537 vote, whereas the writer of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Jay Lender got second place woth 230 votes and writer of a tale of two cities, charles dickens follows closely behind with 214 votes. As for the best books, Christmas Carol still stood as first place with 351 votes. The second place is Harry Potter and the sorceress stone, holding 335 votes. Due to the votes being spread, the places of the other books of Harry Potter follows Christmas Carols. If all the votes of Harry potter series is added up, then the total will reach 722 votes, contains 11 percent of the total votes of the election. Therefore, Harry Potter Series lead students of Hong Kong and Macau to a period of reading English books and this is no overated. Students that favour Classical literature isn't much less, as Cinderella got 146 votes. Another two famous books that are Animal Farm and Alice's Adventures in the Wonderland apparently got 103 votes and 97 votes respectively. i-Learner世界閱讀日網上投票 is still in progress. Details on the result will be announced on the website ( 30th April. 標題和「 i-Learner世界閱讀日網上投票」不太知怎樣翻譯。 只能幫到這了, 希望翻譯了的沒有多的grammar mistake 便好了。m(_ _)m 大約是這樣, 希望幫到你~~ 2009-04-28 01:50:02 補充: 第3段第3行的 " Jay Lender got second place woth 230 votes ..." 打錯左字 woth --> with 第4段第3行的 " ... of the other books of Harry Potter follows Christmas Carols ..." 加番個behind 係 follows 後面 --> " ... of the other books of Harry Potter follows behind Christmas Carols ..."


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