我而家19歲 讀緊 高級文憑 發覺讀完都唔夠競爭 想去 澳洲/美國 升大學 21歲先去會唔會太遲? 因為真係好想去外國讀書
Well, on one side, if you have more qualification, you have greater chance for interview in HK but it really depends. Qualification and interviews are not guarantee for jobs but gainning more knowledge overseas is definitely broaden your horizon. 21??? it's not too old. Some people even much older but go to overseas to study a Master degree,e.g. MBA. It's a good try but beforehand, it would be better for you to go to the places you want to study to have a look. E.g. you plan to go to california uni. Maybe it's better for you to have a look and talk with the people there before you make the choice and better to know everything, e.g. living cost and how to get part-time jobs, VISA problem before you get there.
因為我中學同學 佢form 5 讀完就過 澳洲 佢話讀4年倒.. 我驚高級文憑 呢幾年浪費左時間 不過多謝你意見|||||絕對不遲,你試想想如果不升學就要工作,21歲開始讀大學最多都係讀3至4年0姐,到先得24,25歲,但你之後的生活就會好好,會搵到份好工。