我想問... 如果我想買一部數碼相機係日常生活影下相... 邊個品牌既好d咖?? 而且又平既..? 萬分感謝!=] 更新: 其實我唔洗太好個d... 普普通通... 1000下都ok咖啦~
你的預算係幾多?一般數碼相機的價錢可以由大约$1600 -$4XXX 都有,對你黎講你希望$3000 下 還是 $2000 下? 剛剛今期消費者委員會發佈左一係列數碼相機既測試(佢哋好中立!),同時佢哋都俾左個等级每部機(有45部機),頭四位都係由Canon 同Panasonic D 機 1st: Canon IXUS 860 IS ($2780) 2nd: Panasonic FX-100 ($3290) 3rd: Canon IXUS 960 IS ($2880) 4th: Panasonic FX-33 ($2790) $2000 下 最好的 11th: Pentax Optio M40 ($1990) 12th: Fujifilm FinePix Z10fd ($1780) D測試都好詳細,好有參考价值,詳情你可以自己買佢地本”選擇” 睇下~ Canon係唔錯,不過我個人會選擇Panasonic D 機,一來品質有保證(我部4年都未壞),二來D操作介面都夠user friendly (有自動場景選擇),光學防手震方面係咁多輕DC 中做得最好,加上你係用來影生活照,25mm廣角鏡會實用D~ 你唔介意貴少少的話Panasonic 剛剛出左部新既機有埋touch screen 添(FX520: $3790) 2008-04-23 01:13:17 補充: If you want it in the $1xxx range, : - Fujifilm FinePix Z10fd ($1780) is a good value for money, - Casio EX-Z80 ($1980) also ok, with youtube function However, from my own experience, many of those "cheap" DC are not that good, I would suggest you pay a little bit more to buy a better quality camara. 2008-04-23 14:15:28 補充: trust me, DC that is just few hundred dollars more expensive than those $1xxx range is much much better (anti-shake, wide angle, etc.) . and much more durable. 2008-04-23 14:15:32 補充: I am still using my 2 yrs old panasonic dc, it was bit expensive in short term, but you will get your money back in the long term as you can be sure to get good quality pic.