



ucas gce alevel


i am a f.5 student and going to be promoted to f.6 in this coming year. Actually, i am now studying in a band one school in hong kong and hkdse begins on july 2012. I have decided to take gce and hkdse both exams in hk. Gce(as level) will be taken during january and A2 level will be taken during june and july.... 顯示更多 i am a f.5 student and going to be promoted to f.6 in this coming year. Actually, i am now studying in a band one school in hong kong and hkdse begins on july 2012. I have decided to take gce and hkdse both exams in hk. Gce(as level) will be taken during january and A2 level will be taken during june and july. Nevertheless, Ucas's application form has to be submitted on 15th january. Normally, most students will send their as level result and predicted grades in order to get a conditional offer. However, as the first year candidate of hkdse, i have no formal qualifications. So, i am now on the horns of a dilemma. Nonetheless, i have decided to apply ucas. What i want to ask is the probability of being given an offer by the renowned univerisities e.g. lse, ucl, kcl, warwick, to name but a few ? one more question to ask is if i have decided to study in united kingdom whatever the hkdse result is. Can i use the result that have been taken during 2012 15th january as result to get a conditional offer and apply 2013 ucas? thz for your patience and sorry that my computer has yet to recover and thus cannot type chinese. 更新: It would be grateful if u can tell me the mistakes existed in this passage. No offense, just for reference only. 更新 2: U mean the grammatical skills or the style of the passage or wt?


halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=] 1) What i want to ask is the probability of being given an offer by the renowned univerisities e.g. lse, ucl, kcl, warwick, to name but a few ? >> 好睇你係apply 咩subject 既, 好似lse 咁啦, 如果係law, econ 等popular 既subject, AAA 係一定要的, 而因為而家有a* 既system, 所以law 等popular 既subject 好多時都要A*AA既, 而warwick 係出名business, 所以亦要有aaa 既成績, 但如果你係入warwick 既一d 其他subject, 如science, 咁abb 都已經可以了, 好depends 你係讀咩subject, 係apply 前, 應先睇一睇, 大學既web site, 知道佢要既係咩grade, 因為好似warwick 做example, 佢個offer 寫到明, 係excluding chinese 既, 咁你就知道你係hk take gce 時既subject 要注意d咩了. 2) one more question to ask is if i have decided to study in united kingdom whatever the hkdse result is. Can i use the result that have been taken during 2012 15th january as result to get a conditional offer and apply 2013 ucas? >> conditional offer 呢, 如果你有AS既成績, 佢地先會俾出去既, 所以呢, 如果你係15jan 考既subject, 係一個full AS 既grade, 佢地就會睇下你既成績而decide 俾唔俾offer 你, 但假設你只考左一份paper而已, 咁大學果邊知道唔係一個full AS 既grade, 就唔會出offer, gcse result 只係一個參考, 就算有gcse成績, 但係冇gce as 既話, 佢都係唔會出offer 的. 3) 仲有呢, 唔只係你既成績, 係apply ucas 既時候, 應該要prepare 好personal statement 同埋reference letter, 如果冇reference letter 同ps既話, chance 會少好多的. 當然, 同時亦係呢段時候參與多一d 既活動, 對你都係有幫助的. 希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]


The following are some of the things you need to consider: Whether you will get a conditional offer from some renowned universities in the UK depends on your GCSE results and most importanly your AL exam results.Your standard will only reach HKDSE in July 2012., which is only a lower 6 level in the UK.To study in the top 10 universities in the UK, in the GCSE you need to get 6 to 8 A* .Even if you manage to take the AL exam ( ie a form 6 student taking a form 7 exam) will you be able to get AAA in the AL exam, which is the minimum AL requirement of LSE, UCL, KCL and probably Warwick. These universities are more or less of the same grade in UK university rating. In addition, as you are a Chinese student, you need to obtain ELTS 7.0 to prove your English standard. In a nutshell, if you manage to get 6 to 8 A* in GCSE exam you will probably get the conditional offer, and you need to get AAA and ELTS 7.0 to enter the renowned universities in the UK..My final advice is that you study lower 6 in th UK as soon as possible, which is the best way for you to study in the renowned universities in the UK. HKDSE is nothing in the UK. 2011-07-13 08:30:06 補充: If you have decided to study in the UK, you really need to brush up on your English. I am sorry to say that you can only get ELTS 5 at this stage. 2011-07-13 08:36:11 補充: For conditional offer, you only need the GCSE results.

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